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Structural vs. Graphic Design in Packaging

Two piece corrugated plastic box

When it comes to packaging, two critical elements come into play – structural design and graphic design. Both are essential in their ways, but depending on your audience, one may hold more significance than the other. This blog post delves into the nuances of structural and graphic design in packaging and examines which aspect resonates more with different types of audiences.

Understanding Structural and Graphic Design in Packaging

Structural Design refers to the physical shape and functionality of the packaging. It’s about how the package is constructed, how it protects the product, and how it functions from a user’s perspective.

Graphic Design, on the other hand, involves the visual elements on the packaging’s exterior. This includes the use of colors, fonts, images, and other graphical elements that communicate the brand and attract the consumer.

structural design concepts
Packaging Graphic Design Services

Structural Design: The Functional Communicator

Structural design is crucial when the audience prioritizes functionality, usability, and convenience. This aspect is particularly important in:

  • Products Requiring Safe Transit: For fragile or high-value items, the structural design ensures safety and integrity.
  • Consumer Convenience: Products aimed at offering convenience, like easy-to-open or resealable packaging, appeal more through their structural design.
  • Innovative Niche Markets: In markets where innovation is highly valued, unique structural designs can make a significant impact.
custom rigid box with hinge

Graphic Design: The Visual Storyteller

Graphic design becomes a dominant factor when the audience is influenced by brand story, aesthetics, and emotional connection. It’s significant in:

  • Lifestyle and Luxury Products: For products where brand perception and aesthetic appeal are crucial, graphic design takes center stage.
  • Products Aimed at Younger Audiences: Younger demographics often respond strongly to visually appealing and trendy designs.
  • Brand-Driven Products: When the brand story and identity are integral to the product, graphic design helps in forging that connection with the audience.
corrugated mailer with custom label

Balancing Both for Maximum Impact

In most cases, a balance of both structural and graphic design is necessary to fully engage your audience. This balance can be achieved by:

  • Understanding Customer Preferences: Conduct market research to understand what your audience values more – functionality or aesthetics.
  • Cohesive Design Strategy: Ensure that both structural and graphic designs complement each other and align with the overall brand strategy.
  • Innovative Blending: Experiment with innovative ways to blend structural and graphic elements for a unique packaging experience.

Considerations Based on Product Type and Audience

  • FMCG Products: Fast-moving consumer goods often rely on graphic design for quick shelf impact but require structurally sound packaging for transportation and storage.
  • Tech Products: For tech products, structural design often takes precedence for protection, but graphic design plays a key role in brand positioning.

If you are interested in structural and/or graphic design for your packaging, then partner with Brown Packaging today to get started.

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