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7 Top Point of Purchase (POP) Display Trends in 2023

Custom Point of Purchase Displays

Point of Purchase (POP) displays are an effective way to promote products and increase sales in retail environments. The trends for POP displays in 2023 are likely to focus on the following areas:

  1. Sustainability
  2. Technology Integration
  3. Personalization
  4. In-Store Experience
  5. Data-Driven
  6. Multi-Functionality
  7. Experimentation


As more consumers are becoming environmentally conscious, retailers are looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact of their POP displays. This includes using eco-friendly materials such as recycled corrugated or biodegradable plastics, bamboo, or other sustainable materials. For example, a retailer can use biodegradable or compostable materials in their POP displays to reduce plastic waste. Additionally, retailers are designing displays that can be easily recycled or repurposed at the end of their life, reducing the amount of waste generated by the retail industry.

Technology Integration

POP displays are increasingly incorporating technology such as digital screens, QR codes, and augmented reality to create interactive and engaging experiences for consumers. This allows retailers to provide customers with additional information and product demonstrations, while also collecting data on customer interactions. For example, retailers can use digital screens to display product videos, or allow customers to scan QR codes to receive discounts or additional information. Another example is retailers using virtual reality headsets to give customers a virtual product demonstration, or using RFID tags for interactive experiences.


With the rise of digital marketing, retailers have access to more consumer data than ever before. This enables them to personalize their POP displays to target specific demographics and increase their effectiveness. For example, retailers can use data to create displays that are tailored to the specific interests and needs of different customer segments. This can include personalized offers, product recommendations, and other incentives.

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In-Store Experience

As e-commerce continues to grow, retailers are looking for ways to create a unique and engaging in-store experience to lure customers away from online shopping. POP displays can be used to create immersive environments and encourage customers to stay in the store longer. This can include displays that use lighting, sound, and other sensory elements to create a more engaging experience. An example of this is creating a themed environment in the store, with POP displays that complement the theme.


Retailers are using data to drive their POP display strategy. This includes using data to track consumer behavior, analyze sales data, and optimize their POP display strategy accordingly. For example, retailers can use data to determine which products are selling well and which displays are most effective, and then adjust their strategy accordingly. Another example is using data-driven insights to create a dynamic POP display that changes based on the time of day, weather or foot traffic.


Retailers are looking for ways to maximize the use of their POP displays, so they are looking for multi-functional displays that can be used for multiple products and purposes. This can include displays that are modular and can be reconfigured to accommodate different products, or displays that can be easily repurposed for different promotions. An example of this is using a POP display that can be easily modified to display different products, like a modular shelving system.

Custom Point of Purchase Displays


With the rise of e-commerce, retailers are experimenting with new POP display styles and designs, such as holographic displays, to create a more memorable and unique in-store experience. This allows retailers to stand out from their competitors and create a more engaging and memorable customer experience. An example of this is using holographic displays to showcase products in a more interactive and engaging way.

If you are interested in POP displays, then contact Brown Packaging today to get started.

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