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What are POP Display Dump Bins?

POP Display Dump Bin

Point of Purchase (POP) displays are a crucial element in the world of retail marketing. They play a significant role in catching the eye of shoppers and encouraging impulse purchases. One specific type of POP display that’s widely used is the “Dump Bin.” In this blog, we will delve into what POP display dump bins are, their benefits, how they work, and why they are essential for retailers and brands alike.

What are POP Display Dump Bins?

Definition and Purpose

POP display dump bins, often simply referred to as “dump bins,” are open-top containers or bins used in retail environments to display a variety of products. These bins are strategically placed throughout the store, typically near checkout counters, entrances, or high-traffic areas, to capture shoppers’ attention and promote spontaneous buying decisions.

Construction and Design

Dump bins come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, but they share a few common features. They are open at the top, allowing easy access to products, and they often have slanted sides for better visibility. Dump bins can be made from cardboard, plastic, wire, or even wood, depending on the retailer’s branding and the intended use.

How Do Dump Bins Work?

Product Placement

Retailers carefully select the products they want to promote using dump bins. These products are typically smaller or lower-priced items that are ideal for impulse purchases, such as candies, small toys, or seasonal items.

Strategic Placement

Dump bins are strategically placed at key locations within the store. For example, near the checkout counter, customers waiting in line are more likely to make additional purchases when they see enticing items in the bin.

Visual Appeal

Dump bins are designed to be eye-catching. The open, inviting design allows shoppers to see the products easily. Retailers often use colorful signage, branding, and graphics to draw attention to the bin.


Dump bins are designed for convenience. Shoppers can easily reach in and grab the products they desire without the need for a shopping cart or basket. This accessibility encourages quick, spontaneous purchases.

Benefits of Using Dump Bins

Increased Sales

Dump bins can significantly boost sales, especially for impulse-driven products. Customers who may not have originally intended to purchase these items are more likely to do so when they see them prominently displayed.

Enhanced Brand Visibility

Dump bins offer an excellent opportunity for brand exposure. Retailers can use these bins to showcase their branding, logos, and taglines, reinforcing their presence in the customer’s mind.

Efficient Inventory Management

Dump bins can help retailers move excess inventory or promote seasonal items effectively. They create a designated space for these products, preventing them from cluttering the store shelves.

Customer Engagement

Dump bins engage customers on a sensory level. Shoppers can touch, pick up, and examine the products in a hands-on manner, which can lead to a stronger connection with the brand.

custom pop dump bin display

Why are Dump Bins Essential?


Dump bins are versatile and can be used across various industries and retail settings, from grocery stores to clothing boutiques. Their adaptability makes them a valuable tool for marketers.


Dump bins are a cost-effective way to increase sales and brand visibility without significant investments in store redesign or advertising campaigns.

Encourage Impulse Buying

In the world of retail, impulse purchases can make a significant impact on a business’s bottom line. Dump bins are designed to tap into this consumer behavior effectively.

Enhanced Shopping Experience

By providing customers with an enjoyable and interactive shopping experience, dump bins contribute to overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

If you are interested in POP display dump bins, then partner with Brown Packaging today to get started.

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